The Garfield Lake Review is an annual literary and visual arts magazine established in 1971. Editorial selections, magazine design, and layout are all completed by The University of Olivet students in Michigan. We are primarily interested in publishing work from our college community, but we will consider work from talented writers and artists beyond the immediate community. We encourage writers and artists to review previous issues of the magazine before submitting work.
This year's theme is “Coming of Age." As we grow older, we begin to lose the childhood innocence that we so desperately once wanted to get rid of. We begin to find ourselves and face challenges that introduce us to adulthood. For this theme, we are looking for pieces that illuminate that threshold that is crossed from your teenage years to adulthood.
The submission deadline for the 2025 edition is September 27, 2024.
The 2025 edition will be published in April of 2025.
If you do not already have a Duotrope account, you will be prompted to create one when you click Submit. The account is free.
The print version of the magazine is available in April and is free for contributors upon request and for members of the college community; contributors outside of the continental U.S. will receive a digital copy or may pay shipping for a hard copy. All others may acquire a copy ($15) through emailing the advisor, Elizabeth Trueblood (